Scars can be treated using UltraPulse Laser at Skin Care & Laser Center, Udupi. There are mainly three types of acne scars- ice pick scars, rolling scars and boxcar scar.

Ice pick scars- narrow (<2mm), deep, well marginated rocket shaped scar where the base of the scar is on the skin surface and the tip lies at a depth.

Rolling scars-4-5mm wide scars occurring as a result of tethering of the dermis to the subcutis leading to a rolling or undulating appearance.

Boxcar scars- round to oval depressed scars with well demarcated vertical edges. They may be shallow or deep. Acne can also cause hypertrophic scars, keloidal scars, sinus tracts and non-specific scars of different shapes and variable depths.

The Actual Procedure time is 5 Minutes and the healing time is 5 Days.Scar remodeling and improvement continues for 3 Months


SKIN CARE & LASER CENTRE The skin care and Laser treatment clinic is based in the temple town of Udupi, on the coastal belt of Karnataka. Located just 5 k.m away from the world class academic and health care centre , Manipal, Skin Care is a centre of science & art, where surgical precision is combined with deft artistic touches, where rejuvenation of skin is as important as rejuvenation of body & mind.